LibraryThing is grootste bibliotheek ter wereld

LibraryThing is vanaf heden de grootste bibliotheek ter wereld: de boekencommunity heeft 32.287.447 boeken in zijn catalogus terwijl de telde Library of Congress voorlopig 32.124.001 documenten telt.

Volgens Abby Blachly, de hoofdbibliothecaris van LibraryThing, is de site vooral interessant voor mensen die van onbekende boeken houden. "But the fun of LibraryThing isn't just in the widely held books, it's in those that are shared by only 10 or 20 other members. It's easy to find someone who has read The Hobbit. Finding someone to discuss your more obscure books isn't quite so simple. But on LibraryThing, you can. There are 8 members who list The National Uncanny: Indian Ghosts and American Subjects—8 members who can find each other and have a common interest. The 'long tail' of LibraryThing is long indeed", schrijft ze op het blog van de site.

(Bron: Informatieprofessional)