Lego Librarian maant aan tot stilte. |
De hoofdbibliothecaris. |
Cadeautip voor bibliothecarissen met jonge kinderen: onlangs lanceerde Lego enkele nieuwe miniatuurpoppetjes. Naast de 'Sad clown' werd ook de 'Librarian' gelanceerd. Zoek zelf het verband. Meer info op deze website:
minifigures.lego.com. (bron:
Book Riot)
Books are just about the Librarian’s most favorite thing in the entire world. Reading them can take you on exciting adventures in far-off lands, introduce you to new friends and cultures, and let you discover poetry, classic literature, science fiction and much more. If only everybody loved to read as much as she does, the world would be a better place…and quieter, too!
The Librarian feels that it’s extremely important to treat a book with the proper respect. You should always use a bookmark instead of folding down the corner of the page. Take good care of the dust jacket, and don’t scribble in the margins. And above all else, never – ever – return it to the library late!