Sélection « Indiens d’Amérique du Nord » Selectie « Noordamerikaanse Indianen »

Sélection « Indiens d’Amérique du Nord »  

Selectie « Noordamerikaanse Indianen »

1. [Anonymous] Walapai papers : historical reports, documents, and extracts
from publications relating to the Walapai Indians of Arizona. Washington :
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1936, 364 p. [B47789]
2. Barrett, S.A. The dream dance of the Chippewa and Menominee Indians of
Western Wisconsin. In Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee,
vol. 1, art. IV, 1911, p. 252-406. [B21945]
3. Becker, M.J. & Lainey, J.C. The White Dog Sacrifice : a post-1800 rite with an
ornamental use for wampum. Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society,
2013, 252 p. ISBN 978-1-60618-033-4. [P1791/103-3]
4. Bodard, L. Le massacre des Indiens. Paris : Gallimard, 1969, 484 p. [L21]
5. Brasser, T.J. A basketful of Indian culture change. Ottawa : National Museum of
Man, 1975, 121 p. [P2392/22]
6. Brasser, T.J. Riding on the frontiers’s crest : Mahican Indian culture and culture
change. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, 1974, 91 p. [P2392/13]
7. Carr, L. Dress and ornaments of certain American Indians. Worcester, Press of
Charles Hamilton, 1897, 76 p. [B39811]
8. Clifton, J.A. A place or refuge for all time : migration of the American
Potawatomi into Upper Canada 1830 to 1850. Ottawa : National Museum of
Man, 1975, 143 p. [P2392/26]
9. Cook, S.F. The Indian Population of New England in the Seventeenth Century.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1976, 91 p. ISBN 0-520-09553-7
10. Coville, F. V. Wokas, a primitive food of the Klamath Indians. Washington :
Government Printing Office, 1904, 13 p. [B16688]
11. Downs, J.F. Animal husbandry in Navajo society and culture. Berkeley :
University of California Press, 1964, 104 p. [P5354/1]
12. Driver, H.E. Indians of North America. Chicago : The University Press, 1961, 667
p. [B48186]
13. Ford, R.I. Prehistoric food production in North America. Ann Arbor : Museum
of Anthropology, University of Michigan, 1985, 411 p. ISBN 0-915703-01-7
14. Foster, M.K. From the earth to beyond the sky : an ethnographic approach to
four Longhouse Iroquois speech events. Ottawa : National Museum of Man,
1974, 448 p. [P2392/20]
15. Graburn, N.H.H., Lee, M. & Rousselot, J.-L. Catalogue raisonné of the Alaska
Commercial Company Collection Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of
Anthropology. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996, 582 p. ISBN 0-
520-09783-1 [P5354/21]
16. Gridley, M.E. Indians of today. Chicago : Millar Publishing Company, 1947, 111
p. [B32640]
17. Griffin, J.B. Lake Superior copper and the Indians : miscellaneous studies of
Great Lakes prehistory. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 1961, 189 p.
18. Guédon, M.-F. People of Tetlin, why are you singing? Ottawa : National
Museum of Man, 1974, 241 p. [P2392/9]
19. Hauptman, L.M. & Campisi, J. Neighbors and intruders : an ethnohistorical
exploration of the Indians of Hudson’s River. Ottawa : Musée national de
l’Homme, 1978, 285 p. [P2392/39]
20. Hellson, J.C. Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians. Ottawa : National Museum
of Man, 1974, 138 p. [P2392/19]
21. Herisson, M.R.P. An evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite
Indians. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, 1974, 260 p. [P2392/16]
22. Huddelston, L.E. Origins of the American Indians : European concepts, 1492-
1729. Austin : The University of Texas Press, 1967, 179 p. [C36155]
23. Jenness, D. Indians of Canada. Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, 1967, 452 p. [C24562]
24. Kinietz, V. & Voegelin, E.W. Shawnese traditions : C. C. Towerbridge’s account.
Ann Abor : University of Michigan Press, 1939, 71 p. [P4753/9]
25. Kinietz, W.V. The Indians of the Western Great Lakes 1615-1760. Ann Arbor :
University of Michigan Press, 1940, 427 p. [P4753/10]
26. Krause, A. The Tlingit Indians : results of a trip to the northwest coast of
America and the Bering Straits. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1956,
310 p. [B45197]
27. Kroeber, A.L. & Kroeber, C.B. A Mohave War Reminiscence, 1854-1880.
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1973, 97 p. ISBN 0-520-09477-8
28. La Farge, O. Histoire des Indiens d’Amérique du Nord. [S.l.] : Crown Publishers,
1956, 488 p. [A5797]
29. Levesque, C. La culture matérielle des Indiens du Québec : une étude de
raquettes, mocassins et toboggans. Ottawa : Musée National de l’Homme,
1976, 147 p. [P2392/33]
30. MacCurdy, G.B. Race in the Pacific area, with special reference to the origin of
the American Indians : antiquity of occupation. In American Anthropologist,
n.s., vol. 17, n° 4, 1915, p. 708-711. [B16829]
31. Michelson, G. A thousand words of Mohawk. Ottawa : National Museum of
Man, 1973, 185 p. [P2392/5]
32. Moorehead, W.K. Stone ornaments used by Indians in the United States and
Canada : being a description of certain charm stones, gorgets, tubes, bird
stones and problematical forms. Andover : The Andover Press, 1917, 448 p.
33. Morris, J.L. Indians of Ontario. Toronto : Department of Lands and Forests,
1943, 75 p. [B41434]
34. Newcomb, W.W. Jr The culture and acculturation of the Delaware Indians. Ann
Arbor : University of Michigan, 1956, 141 p. [P2704/10]
35. Ray, V.F. Primitive pragmatists : the Modoc Indians of Northern California.
Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1963, 237 p. [B46477]
36. Ritzenthaler, R.E. & Ritzenthaler, P. The Woodland Indians of the Western
Great Lakes. Milwaukee : Public Museum, 1983, 154 p. ISBN 0-89326-093-2
37. Savoie, D. The Amerindians of the Canadian Northwest in the 19th Century, as
seen by Emile Petitot. Ottawa : Northern Science Research Group, 1970, 2 vol.
38. Shufeldt, R.W. Some observations on the Havesu-Pai Indians. In Proceedings
of the United States National Museum, vol. XIV, n° 859, 1892, p. 387-390.
39. Shufeldt, R.W. The evolution of house building among the Navajo Indians. In
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. XV, n° 902, 1892, p.
279-282. [B21924]
40. Stewart, T.D. Handbook of Middle American Indians. Vol. 9. Physical
anthropology. Austin : University of Texas Press, 1970, 296 p. ISBN 0-292-
70014-8. [C20465]
41. Thévenin, R. & Coze, P. Moeurs et histoire des Indiens peaux-rouges. Paris :
Payot, 1928, 343 p. [B13294]
42. Thompson, J. Preliminary study of traditional Kutchin clothing in museums.
Ottawa : National Museum of Man, 1972, 92 p. [P2392/1]
43. Towerbridge, C.C. Meearmeear traditions. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan
Press, 1938, 90 p. [P4753/7]
44. Turner, D.H. & Wertman, P. Shamattawa : the structure of social relations in a
Northern Algonkian band. Ottawa : Musée national de l’Homme, 1977, 124 p.
45. Wauchope, R. Lost tribes & sunken continents : myth and method in the study
of American Indians. Chicago : The University Press, 1970, 155 p. ISBN 0-226-
87635-7. [C36310]
46. White, M.E. Iroquois culture history in the Niagara frontier area of New York
State. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 1961, 155 p. [P2704/16]
47. Willoughby, C.C. Antiquities of the New England Indians with notes of the
ancient cultures of the adjacent territory. Cambridge : Peabody Museum of
American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 1935, 314 p.
48. Wright, J.V. Ontario prehistory : an eleven-thousand-year archaeological
outline. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1972, 120 p. [B53683]