Impact Factors 2014

ISI has released an updated list of Journal Impact factors (IF). The IF is one of several metrics, used to assess the relevance of a journal within its field, based on average number of citations per published paper. The current impact factors of the journals for which RBINS is co-publisher are very good. BJZ and Geologica Belgica ('Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique' until 1997) have both significantly increased their impact, while EJT made a spectacular entrance after only 3 years.

RBINS Publications

Calculation of the impact factor 2014

  •  A: nr of ISI citations of papers published in 2012 + 2013 during 2014.
  •  B: nr of papers published in 2012 + 2013.
  •  IF 2014 is A/B.